Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Boning Chickens!

Muma Lace and I attend the Gastro! cookery course at The Ashburton Cookery School yesterday, and a thoroughly enjoyable experience it was too, although I thought the exclaimation mark was unwarranted.
Those of you who have read my previous blog will know that I don't like to eat any kind of seafood. To be honest most of the reasons given there were absolute bollocks; the real reason is I don't like the taste. People say that different fish taste different. This is also absolute bollocks, there are just different degrees of fishyness. The quality of the food however, was such that I did sample and enjoy all the fish dishes of the day, as well as other dishes containing ingredients I would normally avoid.
One of the things I wanted to do with this sublog was to list some of my own recipes here. Although they aren't mine, they are so class, I thought it was worth posting them with my own spin. Most of the dishes from the course were extremely versatile, and could be easily adapted to preference. I'm going to be posting some of them here soon.


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